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So you can get on with real living!
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So you can get on with real living!
So you can get on with real living!
So you can get on with real living!
People are avoiding care because their deductibles are so high. It is weeks if not months before the next available appointment. The doctor is only with the patient for a few minutes and the patient doesn't get to ask their questions. The paperwork and bureaucracy nightmare is burning out doctors in record numbers and making patients pull their hair out. Alone against the machine, patients often feel abandoned and like a pinball in a giant pinball machine.
It is time to hit the 'RESET' button. It is time to build "real health care."
What is Whole Health personalized primary care? How does it work? How does it make my life better?
Real health care, for real people, in the real world
The objective is health, not just managing disease
Caring is what life is all about
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Whole Health
1025 2nd St NW, Salem, Oregon 97304 (Inside the RE Building, with NW Lifestyle Medicine)
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